
IZ*ONE Minjoo's label to take legal action against malicious commenters

Posted by sl278837 pts Wednesday, February 19, 2020

IZ*ONE Minjoo's label, Urban Works, will be taking legal action against malicious commenters.

The group recently made their comeback after a hiatus following voter fraud allegations for all seasons of the 'Produce' series. Although the group is beginning a successful promotion cycle for their latest release, they are still experiencing an outpour of hate, including accusations that their album is doing well due to chart manipulation. 

Urban Works has since announced that they would be suing commenters due to mental distress given to Minjoo and her family. Minjoo has also been on the receiving end of sexually harassing comments as well.

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[소속 아티스트 권익 보호 관련 공지] 안녕하세요. 얼반웍스입니다. 먼저 저희 소속 아티스트들을 사랑해주시는 팬 여러분께 진심으로 감사의 말씀드립니다. 최근 온/오프라인 상에서 저희 소속 아티스트들을 향한 일부 네티즌들의 허위사실 유포 및 각종 왜곡된 루머와 성희롱 등으로 인해 해당 아티스트들은 물론 주변의 가족까지도 이로 인한 정신적 피해를 받고 있는 상황입니다. 이에 저희 얼반웍스는 소속 아티스트들의 기본적인 인권을 보호하기 위하여 향후 악의적인 의도로 근거 없는 허위사실을 유포하는 분들에게 합의 없는 법적 조치를 취할 것을 말씀드리는 바입니다. 이를 위해 당사는 저희 아티스트의 명예를 훼손하거나 실추 시키는 허위사실 유포, 악성 게시물 게재, 인신공격 및 각종 성희롱 또는 악성 댓글 등에 대하여 적극적인 모니터링과 자료 수집을 이어갈 것이며 아울러 이 같은 행위나 사례를 발견했을 시 저희 #얼반웍스(ent@urbanworks.co.kr)로 팬 여러분들의 제보를 부탁드리고자 합니다. 항상 저희 소속 아티스트들에 대한 많은 관심과 사랑에 감사드리며, 계속해서 따뜻한 격려와 응원을 부탁드립니다. 감사합니다.

A post shared by 얼반웍스 공식 채널 (@urbanworks.official) on

The post reads as follows: 

"Hello. This is Urban Works. First, we would like to thank those who have shown love to our artists. Recently, one of our artists and her family are experiencing harm due to false rumors and sexually assaulting comments circulated by netizens. We will be pursuing no settlement as we pursue legal action against those who are spreading false and damaging rumors. We will be consistently monitoring comments that are false, malicious, and sexually harassing. Please contact us via email at ent@urbanworks.co.kr in the case that you see other malicious comments. Thank you for showing interest in our artists and supporting them. We ask for your continued warm support. Thank you." 

  1. IZ*ONE
18 22,145 Share 58% Upvoted
Secretninja3127,646 pts Wednesday, February 19, 2020 3
Wednesday, February 19, 2020

I thought I was experiencing Deja Vu because I swore I already saw something about this last night. Turns out you guys are just bad at checking when the news was announced and if anyone else had already posted about it.

I mean, I guess its not exactly the same since you used a different photo of her and changed the spelling of her name (though I believe she officially goes by "Minju" )

4 (+6 / -2)

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honeycider4,620 pts Wednesday, February 19, 2020 2
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
4 (+7 / -3)

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