Netizens are criticizing Hong Jin Young after she was seen on a broadcast with her sister's pet Pomeranian puppy.
The February 16th broadcast of SBS's 'My Ugly Duckling' led to an outpour of comments regarding Hong Jin Young and sister Hong Sun Young's negligence towards the puppy.
During the broadcast, the puppy was seen sliding on the floor consistently while eating and running around. Slippery floors can lead to injuries on the dogs' paws.

The comments include:
"Please raise your pets with knowledge of how to raise them. This is dangerous for dogs, especially Pomeranians. Please get a mat."
"I see you're now using animals to get attention."
"I heard she has 4 dogs. And she still doesn't know things like putting down a mat?"
In addition, comments also criticized Hong Jin Young for allowing the dog to lick her face while she had a full face of makeup on.

Do you think netizens are overreacting or justified in their comments? Check out the footage from the show below.
I personally don't see the big deal. I've never heard of slippery floors being damaging to a dog's paws? Like what? But then again I'm no animal expert.
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