Jang Moon Bok's ex-girlfriend has sparked controversy after she revealed information about the idol in a tell-all post.

A post titled "I am Jang Moon Bok's ex-girlfriend" made on February 11th on an online community forum gained attention for its shocking contents.
The ex-girlfriend stated that she had been dating Jang Moon Bok since October of 2019 up to now after meeting through mutual friends. She said that when her friends left the table for a minute, Jang Moon Bok pointed out that her shoelaces were untied and told her, "should I untie something else too?" while reaching for her back. She continued, stating that he put his arm around her waist while she tried to keep as much distance as possible.
The ex-girlfriend and Jang Moon Bok met for a third time with mutual friends at Everland, where the ex-girlfriend stated that "Jang Moon Bok kept demanding kisses and intercourse. I said that I didn't want to do that unless we were dating so he said we should date... so we started meeting. He even asked for allowance once, so I sent him money. When I wanted to sleep, he demanded sex and asked whether or not I felt bad for his penis."
The post continues, stating: "One night, I looked through his unlocked phone. He only got me a cake after being pushed by our mutual friends, but he sent mobile gift cards to a bunch of other girls for their birthdays. He told me that he didn't invite any other girls to his Christmas concert, but I saw a lot of text messages inviting different girls. When I asked him about it, he said he had no hidden intentions and apologized, but I told him to get out of my house. He took an album that I gave him and the CD of an artist that I told him I was a fan of and left. I asked him if this meant we were breaking up, and he said, 'you told me to get out,' and that was our last contact.
I needed a lot of courage to post this as a non-celebrity. I hope that there are no victims like me. I have only written the truth."
Based on just what was described, he had been pretty consistently douchy. You decided to date him and was surprised that he continued to be a douche? Not saying what he did was right, but this seems like she was just sour over the break up. Tell that to your friends, don't blast that on the internet.
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