SuperM asks fans to text them + reveals phone number in social media announcement
Posted by sl278837 pts Friday, September 20, 2019
SuperM has given out their phone number and you can text them!
The group's Twitter page made the surprising announcement that fans can now text SuperM via a phone number with a Los Angeles area code (+1 424-414-7676).
This is a trend that has seemingly been more and more common in the western media world and it seems like SuperM is jumping on the bandwagon so that fans can have easier access to them. What do you think?
That’s not really their number haha. It’s a marketing tactic to get phone numbers so when they release new content they can mass market it to people’s phones. Many artists are ping jt
36(+38 / -2)
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Synamint36 ptsFriday, September 20, 2019 0
Friday, September 20, 2019
It's a great idea and other kpop bands also are offering up a texting number like MonstaX is doing this for monbebes.
That’s not really their number haha. It’s a marketing tactic to get phone numbers so when they release new content they can mass market it to people’s phones. Many artists are ping jt
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