Sulli recently held an Instagram live in which she appeared incredibly scared after a male fan approached her during the broadcast.
The incident happened on September 17th while Sulli was interacting with fans. During the live broadcast, Sulli was seen looking uncomfortable and scared after a male fan approached the table, trying to strike up a conversation and get her to speak. The fan also reportedly kept taking pictures and videos of her as well.
Some netizens are leaving shaming and unreasonable comments towards Sulli, saying:
"If you're that scared, just retire."
"You're drinking alcohol at a cart bar and couldn't predict that something like that would happen?"
"He says he's a fan. What is there to be scared about?"
"People would think that he's throwing a scene based on how she reacted."
Luckily, many netizens are defending Sulli's actions saying:
"He's not a fan if he keeps doing that after they ask him to stop."
"The guy in the video is using a confrontational tone. I can see why she was scared."
"Of course she's scared. He just whipped a camera out."
What do you think?
If you ask politely once, that's one matter. But if you continually keep coming up to someone asking for things they've politely refused, then YES it is an issue. Celebrity or no, I get so sick of people thinking that they are owed something and that celebrities have to do things the public wants them to do or else "Why are they celebrities then?" They aren't slaves, that is a career choice they made, but it doesn't give anyone the right to simply demand things of them like that. Glad some people are supporting, but I feel so terribly that because people are still hating on her for her past dating scandal and such that they feel the need to be so cruel to her. Because we know that if this had been some other female Korean celebrities that are popular, they wouldn't be getting nearly this much hate.
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