Jung Hae In and Kim Go Eun talked about their dating styles during 'Movie Talk Live' on August 1.
The 'Tune in for Love' co-stars read a message from a viewer, and Kim Go Eun revealed, "I know the person who sent this in personally. It's the story of the character Misoo from 'Tune in for Love'. I want to tell them, 'I hope you'd be honest and not hide your current emotions. To be honest, I'm the frank type when it comes to relationships. You only live once, so I hope that you would be more assertive when it comes to people you like."
Jung Hae In also said, "When I actually date, I hesitate at first before going straight forward. I tend to be honest with how I feel."
'Tune in for Love' tells the story of two people who meet by chance because of a radio, and it's centered around music from the nineties.

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