FT. ISLAND member Choi Minhwan under fire for Mistreating his Wife (Former LABOUM Yulhee) on Mr. House Husband.
In this clip of Mr. House Husband, the conversation goes like this:
YH- (Walks in) Wait what?
MH- Oppa ate everything.
YH- Where did the noodles go?
MH- I ate a few bites... but they are all gone...
**Awkward silence
MH- Just buy another one, ok?
YH- That's not what is important....
MH- *laughs and eats more
YH- I feel sad...
MH- It's fine I'll just buy you another one!
YH- I'm not mad that you ate all of the spaghetti. But today's a special day. You forgot about our anniversary. I thought you knew...
MH- That's why I'm saying let's order another one!!!!! Why can't you just eat the food I bought for you and be grateful.....
YH- I'm just feeling so lonely... like you don't know my feelings...
Netizens criticized Minhwan by saying:
-Please mature up, will you...
-If that was me.. I would have thrown a fit... Yulhee is so kind
-If this isn't scripted I'm speechless.....
What do you think about this situation?
"Why can't you just eat the food I bought for you and be grateful" LOL WTF?! hes the one who should be grateful that she married him.
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