In her honest, open-minded interview for May issue of 'The Star' magazine, Sulli expressed herself genuinely by answering questions about her latest activities, state of mind, and more!
Gracing the cover of 'The Star's May issue under the theme of 'Be Positive', Sulli portrayed a happy, healthy image in comfortable athletic looks. When asked about maintaining her figure, Sulli replied, "Dieting has become a habit. Before, I used to diet by cutting out carbs, but nowadays I am trying to eat meals, rather than snacking or eating junk food."
Sharing her desire to meet her fans through a solo fan meeting, Sulli also mentioned her recent featuring as a singer in DEAN's "Dayfly". She commented, "I want to find out what it is I want to do most, and I want to tell my story to others more. I have a strong urge to express myself, not just through music, but through photoshoots or through dance. Like putting together all of the strewn about pieces of a puzzle, I want to organize myself and then show myself to everyone."
Next, Sulli named her source of inspiration as, "My mood changes. Over ten times a day, I experience stark mood changes, and I try to leave them be and become a spectator to them." Finally, regarding her wellbeing, the star answered seriously, "I'm not sure if I'm doing well, but at the same time I think I am. My mind becomes busy when I receive a question like this. When someone asks me how I'm doing, I can simply answer that I'm fine, but I also feel like they are asking how I'm honestly doing and I do not take it lightly. In honesty, I am trying hard to do well."

She has such beautiful genes. I wonder how her parents look like? But I suspect she comes from a broken family.