Photographer Bernard Faucon has accused BTS of plagiarizing his work.
The French photographer claimed that BTS copied concepts for "Blood, Sweat, & Tears" as well as 'Young Forever' from his work. He claims that the works copied are his "Les Grandes Vacances" and that BTS got the idea for their series from his photography project "The Most Beautiful Day of My Youth".
Bernard Faucon apparently emailed the media outlet Hankyoreh about his accusation and said, "I like BTS, and I'm happy that they were inspired by my work. I won't take any legal action, but I want them to publicly say where they got their idea from." It was revealed that Faucon learned about BTS through Pierre et Gilles, a French artist duo that worked with Big Bang.
According to Faucon's agency, they sent two notices to Big HIt Entertainment demanding an apology and damages, but Big Hit Entertainment denied any similarities between the accused photos.
Check out the photos below. BTS is on top, and Faucon is on the bottom. Do you think they are similar enough to be copied?



im not even a BTS fan but this a huge reach. people dining at a table? thats their claim to plagiarism? theres TONS of photos just like that. not to mention, in BTS' pic theres no fire and they're not dancing.
edit: might as well talk about the other pictures as well.
#2 picture. BTS are gathered around a campfire, have foldable chairs, and are looking up at the sky. for the photographer's photo, the kids are playing around with fire with a kid lying on top of the fire in the middle. still completely different.
#3 picture. BTS are just walking single file. theres grass around them. different clothes, and facing the right direction. for the photographer's photo, they have their hands on each other's shoulders, are by a pool, same color clothing, and facing the left. still completely different.
the photographers are complete idiots. no rational thinking person would think these are similar. if they try to take this to court, they would lose 100%. these are VERY common concepts and the pictures themselves are all completely different.
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