Park Ji Hoon has some impressive star power!
On January 8, the Wanna One member's agency Maroo Entertainment opened an official website for the idol as they continue to develop his individual brand. However, many fans were unable to load the site almost immediately after the address was released on social media.
In response, the agency released a public statement, revealing:"The server for Park Ji Hoon's official homepage crashed as soon as the website opened today at 5:30 PM, due to a high volume of people rushing the site."
The issue has since been resolved, and now fans can head to Park Ji Hoon's official website to check out a variety of content, including photos and video.
Meanwhile, after Wanna One's activities conclude at the end of January, Maroo Entertainment has confirmed Park Ji Hoon will be focusing on solo promotions.
My prediction for wanna one is that Jihoon, BNM boys and Lai Guanlin will be the most popular ones in 2019.