Six male trainees, including some from 'Produce 101' season 2, have sued their label CEO.
The six trainees have filed a sexual assault suit against 'A', the CEO of their label, and 'B', an investor in the company, to the Seoul Central Police District on the 18th. Ten trainees, including the 6 in the lawsuit, had performances for about a month in Japan. On September 28, 2018, the trainees had dinner with the CEO at a sushi restaurant in Tokyo. At the dinner, 'A' and 'B' felt the trainees' bodies up.
There are trainees that were on 'Produce 101' season 2. While not victims, 2 underage boys were also present at the dinner. 'A' is the CEO of the company, and 'B' is the wife of a chairman, and have power over the boys. The suit claims that 'A' and 'B' used their position to force the boys into being touched. The boys are currently receiving therapy and have been scared of a second assault.
'A' and 'B' have currently denied all charges.
see this is what i dont get when only accusations with zero proof happen "A " and " B suddenly have names and everyone can bash them but when REAL legit crimes take place everything is suddenly " A and B " *smh*
SCREW that crap put those CREEPS on BLAST for the world to know who they are cause they are SICK and deserve to be subject to the public's wrath and make its so they cant show theyre faces anywhere ever again >_> sickos using theyre power and status to do evil things :/ give em some time alone tied up in a cell with the parents of these boys >_> and give the parents a bat its what they deserve ,. its sick this crap goes on in the music buizz :/ my heart goes out to those kids :(
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