Red Velvet's Wendy shared her dieting method.
On December 12, Wendy and Seulgi guested on JTBC's 'Give Me a Meal.' During the show, Kang Ho Dong asked if Red Velvet members go on a diet and the most severe diet. Wendy answered, "We do take care of ourselves during promotions." She explained, "In severe times, I would blend black beans, milk, cabbage, and apple and eat it in the morning after I wake up. Then I would do 10,000 jump ropes to digest that. For lunch/dinner, I would only eat one packet of pumpkin juice. That's it."
MC Kang Ho Dong commented, "I would've died if I did that." Wendy replied, "I was like that during trainee days. I couldn't do that anymore after I made my debut. I probably can't do it again."

man, the damage in the liver and the digestive system the idols are causing to them are incredible. Most of them will be in serious problems in a couple of years
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