On the upcoming episode of JTBC's 'Knowing Brothers', the members of EXO named fellow members they would like to create a new unit with, after the success of EXO-CBX!
Each of the EXO members named the possible subunits they would like to form, and when it came Kai's turn, Kai chose his good friend D.O! Kai explained, "If we made a unit, we would only have two members so D.O. will be more likely to do aegyo, which he doesn't do often."
How did D.O. react to Kai's "explanation"? You'll have to find out on the December 22 broadcast of 'Knowing Brothers'! You can also check out some still cuts from the recording, below!

and every KaiSoo shippers heart just exploded with "proof" that KaiSoo is real lol