A.C.E have been chosen as the first rookies for 'Ceci' magazine's new project, called "Pose for Fame"!

The "Pose for Fame" project began back in late March of this year, where 'Ceci' Korea posted 1-minute long videos of various rookies to see which rookie would receive the most SNS likes, views, comments, and more from fans. It seems A.C.E fans helped the group secure their first ever "Pose for Fame" pictorial chance!
In their interview, A.C.E opened up about their 1st anniversary since debut, belonging to a small, no-name company, and more, and also revealed how happy and excited they were when they heard that they would be participating in a photoshoot with 'Ceci'.
The boys' full pictorial and interview will be included in June's 'Ceci' issue!

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