The April 17 episode of SBS' 'One Night of TV Entertainment' aired an interview with Lee Si Woo. Regarding the sajaegi accusation on his artists including Nilo and Jang Deok Cheol, Lee Si Woo emphasized that chart manipulation did not take place whatsoever.
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As to why Nilo's track soared up the music charts only in the late hours, Lee Si Woo said, "It's a ballad track. People probably wanted to listen to it before they go to bed. Dance songs are not great for the late hours, you know?" and added, "It's impossible to check why that pattern occurred."
Limez Entertainment was also accused of creating music Facebook pages and promoting their artists in a third-person voice. On this, the CEO explained, "There are several pages that belong to us, but we did this because I thought it's a way for us to communicate with the public in a more friendly way."
Lastly, Lee Si Woo said, "I want to participate in all the investigations possible. Nilo is also having a hard time. He was so excited because many were listening to his music but he's really upset that it has backfired."
A rep from the music chart company where Nilo's track hit #1 for the first time also commented, "There were no abnormal activities. A system blocking abnormal activities was implemented 10 years ago. It's difficult to make such attempts (of sajaegi)."
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