Seven years ago, the 11-year-old appeared alongside actress Jin Ji Hee on the SBS variety show 'Kim Yuna's Kiss & Cry'.
After being eliminated from a contest, little Cha Jun Hwan couldn't help but cry at the results.
Yunho who happened to be on the program, comforted athlete Cha Jun Hwan, saying, "Hey Jun Hwan why are you crying? Your goal doesn't end here, the entire world is waiting for you. You're bound for global success," and inspired him to dream bigger.
Upon hearing such encouraging words, Cha Jun Hwan has indeed set foot on the ice once more to compete in the Winter Games this year.
Netizens commented on the duo's special interaction, "I wonder if Yunho knows that Cha Jun Hwan entered the Olympics," "I hope they are still keeping in touch," "such brotherly bond."
Now at 17-years of age, Cha Jun Hwan will be competing in the free-skating round on February 17.
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