Track List:
1. Spotlight
2. Gorgeous
3. Give It To Me
4. She's Mine
5. Winter Breeze
VAV's newest mini-album has been greenlit, so they're back to shine a 'Spotlight' on their career. This EP contains 8 tracks, four of them are pre-release tracks that have already been reviewed. The other four are brand new, so we'll be focusing on them.
"Spotlight" is their title track, and it's a club banger and altogether a decent jam. It's not amazing, but it is catchy and danceable. "Gorgeous" is another dance tune, and this one is probably more exciting than "Spotlight." The title track has a more mature feel, but "Gorgeous" is more fun, and even the raps are more enthusiastic.
"Give It To Me" is another uptempo tune, and the song is largely one giant hook. The chorus is super-repetitive but catchy, with "ga-give it to me" repeated during the main verses and chorus.
"Winter Breeze" is the lone ballad of the new tunes, and it sounds a lot like other ballads that have come before it. You've got the tender beginning, the beat that picks up, the orchestral arrangements that sneak in, and the singer that struggles to be heard over the music at the end. It is totally by the numbers and a bit bland.
So what we have out of the new tracks is they are all pretty good. Two out of the four stand out and the other two don't measure up. They have a lot of potential and I hope to see them grow and realize their potential in future releases.
This one looks like they spent a little money on it. While there are some effects that recall "Flower (You)," it seems like it was money well spent.
For one thing, the different sets really look distinct from one another. They might be done on the same stage, but darned if it doesn't look that way. They've got a sparse, sandy environment with a neon X and doorway, while dark clouds threaten in the background, a swanky, brightly-lit museum, a dark multi-stepped platform, and a dining room area lit in pink (with different clouds outside).
They killed the dancing here. They fling their limbs akimbo, the leaps are well done and adroit, and their movements are done confidently for the most part. The movements are varied, and the choreo is good. They flow nicely and slow the movements down when appropriate.

There's no plot, but when you're going for flash over substance you don't need it. This a club-banger through and through and all it needs is something to keep you engaged for a couple minutes. And they did a good job with that.
MV Production..........8
MV Concept..............9
Album Production.....8
Album Concept.........9
SEE ALSO: Additional photos revealed just before Kim Soo Hyun’s press conference
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