Chanyeol showed love to fellow EXO member Lay.
Lay has been busy in China and hasn't quite been able to be with the rest of the EXO members. However, Chanyeol remembered to wish him a happy birthday (even though slightly belated) and told him how much he loved him. He wrote, "Lay-hyung, I love you!! We just came back from overseas so I was so busy and forgot.. But happy birthday!! This year, it was hard to see your face but I think about you all the time, you know, right??? Be healthy in China and let's see each other often soon".
Chanyeol's messages read, "Lay hyung~~~~ Even though we weren't able to be together much this year, you know I love you, right??? I love you. Happy birthday!!!!!" Lay responded, "You should've just posted on Instagram kekekekeke I love you and I'm so sad that I'm not able to see you more often because I'm so busy."
How sweet!
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