In 1st place came Wanna One with a total of17,658,317 points. BTS took up 2nd place with6,915,325 points, after which came Red Velvet at6,238,027 points. Keywords associated with Wanna One in August included "Hot", "Cute", and "Thankful", with associated links being Kang Daniel, Park Ji Hoon, and Ong Sung Woo.
From 4th place in order are: EXO, IU, TWICE, Taeyeon, Psy, WINNER, BLACK PINK, Lovelyz, NU'EST, Highlight, Seventeen, A Pink, G-Friend, Heize, MAMAMOO, Zico, and Yoon Jong Shin.
SEE ALSO: BTS praised for having most of the members serve as active military duty

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