Lee Soo Geun mentioned to the women that they would be going to go visit an idol group's dormitory this day, and actresses Park Si Yeon and Lee Da Hae couldn't contain their excitements. "Is it a boy group?" and "Are they all living together?" they asked. Lee Soo Geun then explained that the group usually dorm together.
When asked whom their favorite idol groups were, Park Si Yeon answered, "Sechskies," while Lee Da Hae said, "Big Bang."
The women were surprised when they entered SF9's dormitory, especially discovering a basket filled with colorful underwear such as pinks and yellows. SF9's Inseong explained, "I have to wear colorful ones so that I can be fully energized," making the viewers laugh. Check out a clip from the broadcast below!
With this broadcast, 'Housewife Daughters' came to an end after 3 months.
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