The distribution of salary among actors has been revealed to be incredibly unbalanced.
According to the National Tax Service, out of the 15,423 who report their income as actors, the average income was 43 million KRW (approximately 37,000 USD) per person. However, the 154 people at the top make an average of 1,955 million KRW (approximately 1.7 million USD) per person. In other words, the top 1% made 45.7% of the total. The top 10% averaged 367 million KRW per year (approximately 313,000 USD), meaning they took up 86% of the total.
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The bottom 90% of actors made an average of 7 million KRW per year (approximately 6,000 USD), or 580,000 KRW per month (approximately 490 USD). This is less than half the minimum wage (of about 1,117,000 KRW per month, 5,580 KRW per hour). This means the top 1%, such as the actors pictured above, made more than 280 times the bottom 90%.
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