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They reaaallly held onto this part of the story until the very end, leaving it for the grand finale in the last episode. The thing is, the producers/writers delayed this little secret for so long that I nearly forgot about it. Until I remembered once again, ah, that's right. Min Shik is that hyung who was the head of Sung Il's department until he 'committed suicide.' Quotes around 'committed suicide' because it's out that Min Shik may not have committed suicide after all. At least that's what that smug, pompous ass of a detective Sa Jae Sung claims.
When there are so many subplots and twists in one K-drama sitting...
The detective even pockets an easy $5 million after he tells Choi Chul Woo what really happened to Min Shik. Apparently, Mayor Chun Gap Soo and Bang Pil Gyu were involved and could have had a direct hand in Min Shik's untimely, unfortunate death. The plot thickens even as the drama nears its conclusion.
So yeah, this dude's still a d-bag..
Director Ahn Tae Wook also claims he knows what truly happened to Min Shik, but the cunning snake hasn't used the info against Chun until the time was ripe and entirely in his favor. This makes me dislike his character even more, as he is like a slow poison that acts beneficial at first but is, in fact, insidiously killing you. The guy's switched boats so many times that I don't even know what boat he is on anymore. I guess he's on his own boat by his own lonesome self. Now just waiting for someone to push that boat to an island in the middle of dead nowhere.... with a tiger...
My poor little hearteu was like NOOOOOO when I learned what Hak Joo did.
Chun attempts to shake off Choi and set things right but Choi is pretty much Chun's shadow at this point. I don't want yet want to say it's too late, but Chun needed Choi's support for all the years he's been in office. I believe Chun only wanted to keep Choi around until he settled into his mayor position but their relationship had gone deeper than what Chun originally bargained for.
Ahn also tries to wheedle Kim Chang Soo, aka Chairman Wang, onto his side after catching onto the squad's plan to strike at Chun. Wang cedes to Ahn's cajoling, but I get the feeling that this is all 'a part of the plan.' ..Or so I sincerely hope. The squad is notorious for always having a backup plan (and even a backup plan for backup plans), so I suppose I shouldn't fret too much.
One more episode to go, folks! What do you think will happen?
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