Hey boys and girls, these are flowers. Can you say flower?
The fortune teller's ominous words ring in Bo Nui's ears. Soo Ho needs a place to sleep so he crashes at Bo Nui's. Bo Ra has a vision of our heroine being squished by a car and wakes up repeating "unnie." Soo Ho gets together with Ahn Yeong Il (the chicken shop guy/ former tech genius) and they kill the virus. Soo Ho surprises Bo Nui with flowers, intending to propose. He ends up being hit by a car trying to save Bo Nui...
I was wondering if there was a purpose to having the Chicken Guy be a programmer, and now I know. I thought the team-up was an awesome idea, like having Mark Zuckerberg team up with Bill Gates. Frankly I would have drafted him and asked for his input while developing the game. This guy's probably forgotten more about technology than Soo Ho will ever know.

I could be sad for Soo Ho, but I don't think I have to be. There are still two episodes, more than enough time to cry over his broken body in a coma and then have him make a miraculous recovery. At least I'm hoping that's the way it goes, because otherwise Bo Nui will have serious psychological issues. She still believes in the power of prophecy and curses, and she's liable to really go off the deep end.
So now I'm not sure if the writers want us to believe in superstitions or not. Sometimes it was played for laughs, but here it seems to be serious. Events seem to mirror what the fortune-teller was talking about. It's kind of annoying because even Soo Ho believes in ghosts, so it's not out of the bounds of possibility that fate could be part and parcel of the script.

My jokes are so funny he could hardly contain himself
I could be mad that this crossed into melodrama but I'm not. They used it appropriately and swiftly, so there wasn't much time for tears. So I'm giving this episode high marks, because I was smiling through most of it.
SEE ALSO: Hwang Jung Eum gifts herself a supercar
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