Wanna.B's agency Zenith Media Content relayed on June 8, "Wanna.B, who are preparing for their comeback with two new members Lina and Roeun, have been selected as the models for 'Grinbi,' ROK's video call pay phone."
'Grinbi' was specially created for those employed by the government and enrolled in college prep schools, as they are prohibited from using smart phones. Around 4,500 of these pay phones are installed in army bases around Korea, and they are accessible to 1 million people including active duty soldiers.
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ONE4U, the telecommunications company responsible for 'Grinbi,' stated, "Wanna.B's sexy and powerful image matches well with the kind of image that soldiers like. We anticipate that the soldiers' usage of these phones will increase with Wanna.B as the models [for 'Grinbi']."
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