Bada opened up about her past on the June 16 broadcast of 'Happy Together,' revealing that she was quite the frivolous young woman.
The singer explained, "[Fourteen years ago], I had signed a 1 billion KRW (~$852,270 USD) solo contract. The media reported that the amount was 2 billion KRW (~$1.7 million USD) but it was actually 1 billion KRW."
With the sudden influx of money, Bada had bought a nice car for herself without really thinking the purchase through. Though the purchase may have seemed entirely justified then, in retrospect, Bada admitted that she regretted her rash decision. The singer advised sagaciously, "I want to tell the juniors this: to not spend money carelessly just because they receive a large sum of money. I had bought a supercar at the time. But I didn't even have a driver's license."
When the MCs asked her why she bought the vehicle, Bada answered, "I think I was just a child who was out of touch with the world. I was 23 years old. I ended up returning the supercar."

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