Brave Girls posed for 'International bnt' and talked about a variety of things!
They had recently come back with the 'muscle queen' concept as well as new members for a total of five. Regarding the 'muscle queen' concept, the group said, "While eating only salad in place of carbohydrates for the concept, we secretly ate sandwiches and got caught by Brave Brothers. The scene of us getting in trouble aired through MBC's 'I Live Alone,' so they are calling us the kids who got caught eating sandwiches. It is extremely sad." Eunji added, "When I can't eat or date however I want, I get jealous of ordinary people who have ordinary jobs."
When asked about any memorable episodes while promoting "Deepened," Brave Girls said, "We were sensitive about maintaining our bodies since we had to wear leggings. Before starting our performance, we would exercise behind the stage, and in order to hide the embarrassing outfits, we carried around blankets."
When asked about their 3-year hiatus, Hyeran said, "Before the members left, I sustained an injury at KBS's 'Let's Go! Dream Team.' My ligament was broken so I couldn't even go to the bathroom by myself, and practice had to be delayed for over three months. I was unable to properly prepare for the last promotions with the original members because of my injury, so I felt guilty, but I was able to straighten out my feelings through 'For You.' The promotions were temporarily stopped when I was 20. I got to enjoy the leisure I dreamed of since my school days after I became an adult, like drinking beer at the Han River."

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