The restaurant, called 'Chan Hikocho,' is a homemade burger place and decorated with EXO paraphernalia. More specifically, it is decorated with Chanyeol's portraits scattered throughout, and his name on display on every nook and cranny of the joint including the menu.
It's the perfect place to go, especially if your bias is Chanyeol--or if you're a fan of EXO in general. But one thing about this newly established restaurant is throwing some netizens off and that is the price of some items on the menu.
Food comes relatively cheap in South Korea (unless it's imported); in fact, an entire meal, one that will make you bloated and then some, could cost less than ~$10 USD. So netizens were a bit critical of menu being on the more pricey end. An average burger is around 8,000 KRW~9,500 KRW (~$7-8 USD), with sodas and other beverages averaging around 3,000 KRW~5,000 KRW (~$2~4 USD). What's more, in comparison to the price, it seems the burgers are lacking in the quality department.
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Comments on this post read, "It's so obvious that they're trying to rip people off," "Wow lololololololol that's so bad forreals," "Homemade burgers are usually pretty expensive. It's not the price that's the problem, it's the quality lolol," The price is so disappointing..I'm a fan myself but I'd rather buy a set at a fast food place than pay 8,000 Won for a burger," and, "If it's delicious it can be expensive, but if it's not that tasty and expensive, then they need to get called out."

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