Chae Yoon kicks the new instructors out of the school, including Bup Gong, and claims the key. Everyone, students and faculty, intend to stay to protect the Chintamani. Chi Ang kidnaps Soon Duk, but Si Woo confronts him and heads back the school with the girl. He finally decides to give Chi Ang the key, and Chi Ang forces his dad to make a choice -- him or the key. Receiving no answer, he falls over the side, and his father grabs him before he can plummet, aided by Si Woo's power. Seven years later, many of the students are still at the school as staff, though some have taken other jobs. Chi Ang is head of Sanghae Group, and his father has decided that he wants to be a family man. Hwang and Chae Yoon are still friends. Sun Ah is the new headmistress, and Si Woo and Soon Duk are getting married, invitations sent to everyone they know. Si Woo is a famous idol again, and he's rekindled his friendship with Chi Ang, who is dating Sun Ah. Not only that, the two friends have seen the Chintamani, a glowing rock, and seen themselves reflected in its depths. All is right with the world, as the pair cross staves in a friendly sparring bout...
I was glad to see Chi Ang become a sympathetic character again. His drives were so dark -- wanting to be like his father, being jealous over Si Woo and Soon Duk's relationship, that he forgot himself. It's almost like he didn't have anything to care about, and so he let his passions consume him, but at the last minute, he realized what was wrong, and poured his heart out to his dad, who capitulated.

I like the direction that Si Woo took. Because of his wisdom and Hwang placing his trust in him, I felt he was going to become the headmaster. In some ways I expected. He seemed very calm, almost like he had found some inner peace that many of us wish for. He grew into a solid, stable young man and achieved his dreams. I think it would have been amusing to see him demonstrate his power one more time, but that's not necessary.
I was scared for Chi Ang, because I felt that this episode almost demanded sacrifice. Whether Hwang or Chi Ang, Chae Yoon or Si Woo, I thought one of them would perhaps be gone forever, having joined with the Chintamani to protect it in some weird mystical mashup or be killed and end up as a ghost, haunting the school and protecting its secrets. I'm happy it ended as it did, because the previous episode got so dark.

All in all, this was a good ending episode. All the plot threads were tied up quickly, and the scene with Chi Ang and his father were outstanding. I think I'll be watching this again, if I have time, to revisit my favorite scenes. How about you guys? Re-watch? Or maybe there's a new drama you can get me hooked on.
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