On the February 1 installment of 'Hello,' Ryeowook was one of the guests, talking about 'getting up.'
During the introductory part of the show, Ryeowook confessed that now that he is 30, he has a harder time getting up in the morning. The singer explained, "In the past, I was able to spring up every morning but these days I can't," relaying that his energy deteriorated as he got older. At Ryeowook's statement, Shin Dong Yup wore a knowing, mischievous smile on his face, but surprisingly, managed to keep his mouth shut.
During the introductory part of the show, Ryeowook confessed that now that he is 30, he has a harder time getting up in the morning. The singer explained, "In the past, I was able to spring up every morning but these days I can't," relaying that his energy deteriorated as he got older. At Ryeowook's statement, Shin Dong Yup wore a knowing, mischievous smile on his face, but surprisingly, managed to keep his mouth shut.
It was actually MC Kim Tae Gyun who made the '19+' comment, returning, "What 'springs up'?" Ryeowook simply ignored this lewd pass and continued, "So I drink some eel juice and I'm able to spring up." For those who don't know, eel is also known to be an aphrodisiac, which may just have egged on the MCs.
MC Kim Tae Gyun once again egged on, "I asked what is it that springs up?"
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