He looks so earnest here, but I laughed so hard...
Dong Ryong runs away from home after a less-than-satisfying birthday where his parents have to work. The friends go out to find him, and find him they do... He explains the problem, and Bora (shockingly) is the voice of reason, telling him his parents work hard to get him nice things, and that he needs to tell them how he feels instead of running away.
In the love department, Deok Seon's female friends set her up on a blind date, and have her tell Jung Hwan, since he's asked her out to a movie. His reaction will determine if he likes her. After a long time he simply says "Don't go." Later, after rescuing Dong Ryong, they sit around and tease Taek and Deok Seon about liking each other, but ultimately, he sinks Jung Hwan's heart when he says he likes her (when she's out of earshot). Sun Woo's mom makes dinner for Taek's dad and eats it with him, because he's "sick of eating alone."

Jung Hwan's dad is sad on his birthday. He just goes through the motions when served dinner, and seems more gloomy than usual. He doesn't even know why, until he hears his mother's voice in the background of some cassette tapes they made of the kids singing (when they were much younger), and starts to cry.
Bora and Sun Woo have their first date, and Bora seems excited and unable to concentrate, though she won't ever tell Sun Woo that! A day or so later, after Sun Woo walks home from studying, Bora is waiting for him, and tells him with a grin that yes, she wants to start dating...

Jung Hwan's dad is really mercurial, given his sudden mood shifts. I'm not sure his humor isn't to cover up some of the pain he's gone through. It's not easy being poor, and he was poor until recently. His mom's dead, his family largely just tolerates his antics, it's nice to know that sometimes, there's a real person in there, beyond the goofiness. We've already been reminded once, when no one seemed interested in being a family, now we're reminded again; like all of us, he has good days and bad days, and sometimes the act drops and we show who we really are.

Dong Ryong's story is really cute. We don't see too much of him, and I haven't mentioned that much since he doesn't show up that much. He's there with the guys, joking around, but we didn't get to really know him, beyond the fact that his dad's really strict and he doesn't like being home. Finally, this episode, they showed us who he is and how he feels. It was great to see the gang pile into a car and run out to grab him.
Taek and Deok Seon have their moment in this installment too. There's a too-cute scene at the beach, when they rescue Dong Ryong, that went unnoticed by the others, until they mention it. Taek wades in the water, apparently for the first time, because of Deok Seon. He just forgets who he is and runs off. I've shipped them before, and now I'm not sure I'm that far off. But if he ends up as her husband, he turns out way different than he is now -- full of snark, and not afraid to say how he feels.

This is shaping up to be fun, and I think I particularly liked this episode the most out of all of them. Too many cute moments to count! And now, I'm a bit sad, because I have to wait for the next one, and I'm on the edge of my seat here.
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