A recent ad campaign by KB Financial Group is reminding us to appreciate the people we may have pushed to the back of our minds and possibly even forgotten: our fathers.
From the way the ad begins, however, you would never guess that it is about appreciating your father. A hidden camera films a group of men who answer a survey asking them questions such as, "When is the last time that you hugged your child?" "When is the last time that you told your child 'I love you?'" "Do you watch your child sleep?" "How many pictures of your child do you carry around in you car, wallet, and phone?" and, "Do you know your child's favorite food?" Smiling, the fathers were able to answer the questions with ease. However, when the word 'child' was replaced by the word 'father,' the men grew more serious and had a harder time answering the question.
Then suddenly, a video message started playing, showing the men's own fathers relaying a personalized message to each of them. Most of the fathers were deeply apologetic that they couldn't do more for their kids and repeated that no matter how much they give and give to their children, they always felt that it wasn't enough. At their fathers' video messages, the men couldn't help the wave of emotion and tears which swept over them.
When they saw their fathers' faces on the screen and heard their apologies, it dawned on these guys that their fathers sacrificed so much for them and worked their fingers to the bone just for the sake of their family. Most people tend to take their father's (and mother's!) presence for granted, with the thought that they'll always be there.
But life is fleeting and one day your father might be there but the next day he may not. So before that day comes, the commercial is gentle reminder to everyone to hug their fathers, tell him "I love you," and let them know that they're appreciated.
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