Watch the girls of DIA grab a guy and party in "My Friend's Boyfriend."
The scene is set up drama-style, with a guy and his girlfriend talking. She heads off to the bathroom, and he is stalked by Chaeyeon, who poses for a pic before all hell breaks loose. The guy is guided past some shops, through graffitti-drenched halls, and finally up to an apartment -- all decked out for a party. There's dancing, junk food, pillow fights, and then they hit the pool. It's a hell of a good time, and you just have to see this.

Whoever did the wardrobe should be commended. The stylist made the girls look cute in street clothes. They look like outfits that were made to have fun in, and they do seem like they're having a ball here.

Don't just gawk, get her some aspirin!
The short dance sequence we get is sweet, if not particularly challenging. It's cute, which is precisely how it's meant to be. Hands on swaying hips, aegyo gestures, and all that.
The guy is KI-O From the band Speed, and he does a great job of looking nonplussed and frazzled. I dunno exactly how the shoot went down, but the girls look like they were having the time of their lives.

Nothing says friendship quiet like a shopping cart ride.
Overall, this MV is a riot. Probably didn't cost a lot of money, probably not groundbreaking, but it's a lot of fun packed into 6 minutes. The frame is what makes it even better: guy gets taken around by a bunch of superstars on the prowl, and then popped right back where he was, festooned with feathers and confetti. And his girlfriend is none the wiser. The animations are a nice touch. Extremely relevant to the point of the song, and done in a cute, fun way. Well done, girls.
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