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Once again, Ms. Choi has revealed the conversations she had with Kim Hyun Joong in an attempt to verify and back up her claims. Earlier today, Choi submitted press releases and directed her response to Kim Hyun Joong's attorney Lee Jae Man. She said, "Lee Jae Man questioned why I didn't submit the text messages at court and revealed them through the media instead. I saw Attorney Lee's interview. Now he acknowledges my July pregnancy and the miscarriage. Yet he claims, 'We can't know whether the child is really Kim Hyun Joong's,' and treats me like a gold digger. In the interview regarding the actress J, he said, '[Choi and Kim Hyun Joong] already separated. But she made an unwarranted intrusion,' making me a criminal."
Choi then stated she will be responding promptly to Lee's assertions and revealed the contents of the text messages she'd exchanged with Kim Hyun Joong.
Choi stated, "Lee Jae Man says that Kim Hyun Joong and I have already separated after July 10, so I sent the messages from July 9 and 10. On July 9 [Kim Hyun Joong] sent, 'Clean up the room. Buy some makeup. I'll be there at 6:30,' and on July 10, Kim Hyun Joong ate out with his actor friends. I even drove him to the meeting place. That's why there were talks that 'Kim Hyun Joong arrived first.' At the time I was on my third day of surgery for my abortion. I spent most of my time at Kim Hyun Joong's place and took care of my body. Kim Hyun Joong called over a female star that day and [having thought that I had gone home] he was shocked so he got violent."
Here is the conversation that Ms. Choi had with Kim Hyun Joong on July 9:
Choi: I want to eat some XX
Kim: Sh*t always looking for expensive things. Okay we're eating out today.
Choi: Yaayyy we're eating out today
Kim: Put your makeup on and wait for me
Kim: Clean up your room a bit too.
Choi: Do my makeup and I will clean up hehe
Kim: You sound excited. I made a reservation for 7:30. Buy some makeup before then. Everything ran out.
Choi: Oppa, okay, when are you getting here?
Kim: 6:30 how many times do I have to tell you
And the one she had with him on July 10:
Choi: Are you the first there?
Kim: Yeah, I'm the first.
Choi: You alone?
Kim: No, with X hyung.
Choi added that Kim Hyun Joong had admitted to the abuse in the conversation but Lee Jae Man is making her out to be a stalker. She pointed out, "[Lee Jae Man] asked why I revealed the texts to the media; it's the same as Lee giving an interview for the press. So the attorney can talk to the media and I can only talk in court?"
Further, Choi addressed what Lee said during an interview in May. At the time, Lee had claimed, "Since there are medical records, it could possibly be a pregnancy. [However], according to the people who saw Choi five months into her pregnancy, they say that they couldn't tell if she was pregnant." Choi rebuked those claims, saying, "Mr. Lee, May was after I went to Asan Medical Center with Kim Hyun Joong, my parents, and my then-lawyer to check the ultrasound and get a pregnancy test at Asan Medical Center. Just what do you mean 'you can't tell she's pregnant'? Do you mean to say I colluded with the people at Asan Medical Center?"
In addition, Choi brought up what Kim Hyun Joong had said in an interview back in February. The actor had stated, "In the beginning of January, I gained knowledge of her pregnancy and received the ultrasound photos through text messages. We exchanged talks to visit the hospital to check the condition of the expecting mother and her fetus. I don't mean I completely distrust the truth of the pregnancy."
Choi also mentioned how Kim Hyun Joong texted her lawyer on March 13, the day after he visited Asan Medical Center with the message, "I checked the baby." Choi then said, "Just because my lawyer has changed does that mean my situation changes, too? The reason that I'm coming forward with my side of the story doesn't mean I think I'm right. I just wanted to correct attorney Lee's false claims. And I will continue to correct any falsified claims."
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