The 16-episode long mini series, which successfully concluded on May 28, first aired this past April 9, and was broadcast via Naver's TV Cast in Korea and via LINE's VOD platform to Japan, Thailand, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, and Philippines. The show received much attention for raking in over 50,000,000 views.
The show is also the first ever Korean web drama series to be submitted to the 68th Cannes Film Market, and now offers are streaming in from big name distributors in Japan, Hong Kong, Thailand, and Taiwan to presumably buy the rights for the series.
Furthermore, the show is planned to be broadcast via North American VOD channel 'DramaFever', inflating the popularity of the show which features EXO's impressive acting. Baekhyun also sang the main theme song called 'Beautiful', which topped charts with its release.
Views for EXO's web drama series 'EXO NEXT DOOR' breaks records
Posted by 182 pts Tuesday, June 2, 2015
'EXO NEXT DOOR', a web drama series that was jointly planned by SNS service provider LINE and SM Entertainment, has unsurprisingly broken records for domestic web drama views, demonstrating EXO's incredible popularity!
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