On May 20, North Korea proclaimed that its nuclear missiles have reached a critical stage of miniaturization. Along with this unexpected public announcement, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea bristled, "Don't dare to challenge our rightful means of strengthening self-defense."
The DPRK's National Defence Commission issued an official statement through a spokesperson, divulging progress of its missiles development: "Our missiles reached full-blown miniaturization and diversification stages quite a long time ago. Both our mid-and long-range missiles' capacities have been refined to ensure the highest accuracy."
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Regarding the testings of its submarine-launched missiles, the spokesperson asserted, "No matter who may argue that they were 'provocations,' and that we need to put a halt to our launches, our actions to reinforce existing defenses are not to be abandoned as they are lawful sovereign activities."
On the same day Rodong Sinmun, (the official newspaper of the Workers' Party of North Korea), in an article titled "No Interference may Obstruct Our Path," harshly criticized the U.S. The paper read, "America and its cronies devised a 'resolution' through the U.N. Security Council in a heinously diabolical attempt to strip us of our sovereign rights."
The newspaper article further noted North Korea's stubborn decision in refusing to reconcile with America, which apparently intimidated the hermit kingdom with 'threats' of support--as long as the country abandons its nuclear weapons development and amicably chooses a more peaceful route.
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