Drama Reviews

[Drama Review] 'The Girl Who Can See Smells' - Episode 10

Posted by eric_r_wirsing Friday, May 1, 2015
Yoochun, Shin Se Kyung


Because there's nothing sexier than a man with soapy dish gloves.

Moo Gak goes to extremes to prove that Chef Kwon is the killer, and everyone starts to recover from their afflictions, just in time for everything to go south:

Lt. Yeom figures out Cho Rim is the witness that Mr. Oh is hiding, but the former detective Oh is in hiding himself. As she heads to the bathroom, Cho Rim is the unwitting victim of a byuntae whom she tracks down with her powers. Hot on the trail of the pervert, headlights trigger yet another memory: her car accident. Back at Moo Gak's house, they both are amazed to discover he's regaining feeling, and they test it with a kiss. Later, Moo Gak sees  Mr. Oh give his address to the Chief of Police, and relays the info to Lt. Yeom. He is unaware his phone is bugged, and this gives Chef Kwon the info, too. Chef Kwon fakes an injury to remove Oh from his bolt-hole, so Lt. Yeom comes up empty-handed when she goes looking for the former detective. While the chef is away, Moo Gak breaks into his house, searching for evidence and is kicked off the investigation team because of it (well, as an excuse--she seems more concerned about his personal involvement due to his relationship with Cho Rim as well as his sister's death). Shortly after, setting up for the cooking show, Cho Rim finds the doctor's note revealing her true identity in Chef Kwon's house, but Kwon finds her the moment she's reading it...

The view must be better from up there.

They do a great job of setting things up in this show, so you have to ask, "How are they going to get out of this?" Moo Gak no longer has access to police resources to track down Kwon and, apparently, you have a lot more free reign as part of the Special Investigative Unit. At least we see a lot of these guys go free ranging around Seoul rather than sitting in one spot all day -- Lt. Yeom seems to fill the stationary role. And how is Cho Rim going to explain her snooping?

Why'd Moo Gak have to break into Chef Kwon's house? It's easy enough in the U.S. to obtain a bench warrant to search someone's residence, and they don't even have to be home. It's not like they haven't investigated him before, and as a suspect, he'd be ripe for another search of the premises. True, South Korean law does provide the same protections as the U.S. against unlawful searches, but there must be some way to legally justify a home invasion.

Cho Rim reads the letter the late Dr. Chun wrote her

I think the spy app really makes it too easy for Kwon, but at least it provides a convenient reason for him to be one step ahead of the law all the time. He just seems to outfox them time and again and, even when you think they've got him dead to rights, he wriggles out of their grasp yet again. Granted, this is TV, but do these guys have to be Keystone Cops more often than not? 

Still just a dream, but a wonderful image nonetheless

What makes it all worth it, despite the plot holes, is the relationship between Moo Gak and Cho Rim. This time they seriously teased us, though. I love the fact that they're figuring out compatibilities and dreaming of cuddling, even if it is still just dreaming. At least they're kissing now, and they settle into togetherness so much easier than other K-Dramas, which make a big production out of the relationship. A lot of other dramas could learn from what they've done here. The little moments are often what count the most. 

What do you think is going to happen next?  How might Cho Rim wriggle free from the grasp of Chef Kwon in his secluded basement?

SEE ALSO: K-netizens comment on Park Yoo Chun's receding hairline in recent update photos

  1. Yoochun
  2. Shin Se Kyung
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