On April 3, KARA's Hara had posted a photo of herself, Davichi's Kang Min Kyung, and former Girls' Generation member Jessica, hanging out with bright smiles on their faces. But this seemingly innocent picture apparently riled up some fans, and the backlash may have been a bit much for Hara, for she deleted the post soon afterwards.
She wrote, "denim sisters," as a caption accompanying the photo, which showed the three rocking their skinny jeans as they smiled for the camera.
However, not everyone was happy to see this picture, it seems, because some believed Hara might hurt the feelings of the other Girls' Generation members she's friends with by remaining close with Jessica and posting pictures with her.
With her deleting the photo, many have been asking her to repost as well as expressing their frustration with fans who take things too far over something as small as an innocent photo.
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