After reviewing CCTV footage, the investigative team found that Mr. Park had been speeding at 135.7kmh (~84.3mph) in a zone that is 80kmh (~50mph) during rain, causing the vehicle to slide on the road and slam into a wall. The defendant himself has admitted fault in the case and was sentenced to 1 year and 2 months of imprisonment.
Judge Jung stated, "Though the defendant is reflecting on his mistake, we took the defendant's gross negligence and the fact that he didn't come to an agreement with the bereaved families into account." Ladies' Code's agency Polaris Entertainment also stated, "We're prepared to appeal. We'll try to minimize the pain caused to the families of the deceased and Mr. Park."
Ladies' Code manager sentenced to 1 year and 2 months of imprisonment + Polaris Entertainment preparing to appeal
Thursday, January 15, 2015
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Ladies' Code manager Mr. Park has been found guilty of speeding before the vehicle crash that resulted in the death of Ladies' Code members EunB and RiSe.
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