You can imagine how the women of the world are reacting to this:
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Blanc is an American who works with Real Social Dynamics, a group of pickup artists that sell dating tricks and "how to get laid" DVDs, charging men up to $3,000 USD. Many have found his behavior and techniques to be highly misogynistic and sexually abusive.
Blanc was originally scheduled to come to Korea to hold seminars on his dating methods, but he recently cancelled the trip much to the joy of many Koreans. In fact, on November 12, a petition was launched by the group Disruptive Voices to completely bar him from ever entering the country. Since its start, it has already gained over 50,000 signatures.
South Korean authorities are also keeping a close eye on Blanc, as the Border Control Division of the Korea Immigration Service has stated that Blanc will most likely not be allowed entry in Korea due to his behavior outside the country. An official ban has yet to be issued, however.
South Korea isn't the only country that wants to keep Blanc out. Blanc has already had his visa cancelled in Australia. He was barred from entering Canada too, right after he was scheduled to hold seminars there titled, "Make Girls BEG to Sleep With You After SHORT-CIRCUITING Their Emotional And Logical Mind". Britain is also considering banning the pick up artist.
A few people have expressed their concern that by denying Blanc entry into the country, they are also denying him his freedom of speech with some implying that it will establish a negative precedent.
On the other end of the spectrum, Rydia Kim, co-leader of the Disruptive Voices, has said it is important to protect the women in Korea from predatory men like Blanc, saying, "This isn't an issue about free speech. It is an issue of hate speech that he and his organization have spread around the world."
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