The actor shared, "Hello, everyone! It really feels like I started filming 'The Night Watchman' just the other day. The past 3 to 4 months have flown by. It was a production that made me feel a lot of new things, and because I received a lot of love, I was able to film with a lot of strength. The time seems to have come to leave 'The Night Watchman', and I feel like a part of me is missing. I really put my all into filming, so it's very sad that it has already come to an end and that I have to say goodbye. I will greet you again with a good production. I hope that 'The Night Watchman' is a production that stays in your memory for a long time. Thank you for loving Yi Rin (Jung Il Woo's character) and 'The Night Watchman' up until now. Bye!"
The message on the gift packages reads, "This time.. This moment.. I was happy to do it together - Yi Rin."
Stay tuned for Jung Il Woo's next production!
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