Krystal smiling. Because...well...Krystal.
At dinner, Se Na asks if Hyun Wook knew her sister. He searches for an explanation, but she thinks he's not listening to her and deflects her question herself. They end the night, and Hyun Wook shows up at Jae Young's house and tells him to leave Se Na alone. Everyone at ANA, including Shi Woo, finds out his showcase was a success. Shi Woo invites Se Na to write songs for him. Hyun Wook's father convinces Hae Yoon to come back to ANA. Tae Min agrees to go on a fact-finding mission for Hyun Wook's stepmom; he goes to the tea shop owned by Hyun Wook's mistress, Yoo Hoo Joo. It backfires when they both recognize each other. Jae Young tries to recruit Se Na, and then tries to hire Hyun Wook's friend as a vocal coach. Next he tries to get Se Na to meet him in the bar where her sister worked. Hyun Wook, warned by his friend, intercepts her and convinces her not to meet Jae Young.

"I don't want to let you go"
He takes her to a beach and asks her to run away with him. Hyun Wook confronts Jae Young, and the former producer tells Hyun Wook that he can't bear to see Se Na tricked by him. The next day, Hyun Wook and Se Na break the news of Se Na's departure to Shi Woo. When Se Na comes over to help Hyun Wook pack, she uncovers a photo of Dal Bong when he was just a puppy. There's a scarf wrapped around his neck that looks suspiciously like the scarf Se Na knit for her sister. When Hae Yoon finds that Hyun Wook is leaving for America, she confronts him and he tells her that leaving is the only way she will not find out that Hyun Wook used to be with her sister. Hae Yoon also yells at Jae Young for practically forcing Hyun Wook to flee the country and breaks off their friendship. As Se Na's about to leave for the airport, she gets the idea to head to the bar that Jae Young mentioned. There, in the back, pinned to a bulletin board with other photos, is a picture of Hyun Wook and So Eun together...

Hyun Wook: "If I went far away, would you go with me?"

"I don't want to let you go"
He takes her to a beach and asks her to run away with him. Hyun Wook confronts Jae Young, and the former producer tells Hyun Wook that he can't bear to see Se Na tricked by him. The next day, Hyun Wook and Se Na break the news of Se Na's departure to Shi Woo. When Se Na comes over to help Hyun Wook pack, she uncovers a photo of Dal Bong when he was just a puppy. There's a scarf wrapped around his neck that looks suspiciously like the scarf Se Na knit for her sister. When Hae Yoon finds that Hyun Wook is leaving for America, she confronts him and he tells her that leaving is the only way she will not find out that Hyun Wook used to be with her sister. Hae Yoon also yells at Jae Young for practically forcing Hyun Wook to flee the country and breaks off their friendship. As Se Na's about to leave for the airport, she gets the idea to head to the bar that Jae Young mentioned. There, in the back, pinned to a bulletin board with other photos, is a picture of Hyun Wook and So Eun together...

Hyun Wook: "If I went far away, would you go with me?"
Se Na finally finds out about her sister and Hyun Wook, but she doesn't have the whole story. I'm hoping this isn't an ending, since they've kind of beaten us over the head with the idea that if she finds out, she'll hate Hyun Wook. We have about four more episodes, so I'm guessing there has to be something other than the denouement. Although, I can imagine how it's going to go: she breaks up with him. They spend time alone in tears. And then, tearfully, she'll go to him and demand answers and find out the whole story. How many episodes this will this take? Who knows?

The photo of Hyun Wook and So Eun
For once, we see Shi Woo's mother as something other than pitiful. I wish we could have seen more of that side of her. Happy, taken care of, and smiling. She's a very different figure from the one we've seen before, and Shi Woo isn't berating her, which is also refreshing. I'm not sure exactly why that scene was significant, but I know it stuck with me.

Dal Bong as a puppy with the scarf that Se Na knit
I like how they reveal bits of backstory here. This episode was chock-full of detail. And we do see something rather odd: there's a scene in which Jae Young tells Hyun Wook that he can't stand by while he lies to So Eun's sister. He gets pretty upset about it, too. That completely blew me away because I've always seen his motives as sinister, as a way to hurt Hyun Wook. But here, it almost seems like he cares about Se Na's feelings? That was something I hadn't even factored in, unless it's still just a ruse.

Shi Woo and his mother, finally getting along.
What do you guys think is going to happen now that she's found out? Do you think she'll break up with Hyun Wook or just dodge his calls? I've theorized before she might run to Shi Woo for comfort. I wonder if this is a start of something more between them. I'd love to know what'll go down. Ah well. I don't have long to wait. :)

The photo of Hyun Wook and So Eun
For once, we see Shi Woo's mother as something other than pitiful. I wish we could have seen more of that side of her. Happy, taken care of, and smiling. She's a very different figure from the one we've seen before, and Shi Woo isn't berating her, which is also refreshing. I'm not sure exactly why that scene was significant, but I know it stuck with me.

Dal Bong as a puppy with the scarf that Se Na knit
I like how they reveal bits of backstory here. This episode was chock-full of detail. And we do see something rather odd: there's a scene in which Jae Young tells Hyun Wook that he can't stand by while he lies to So Eun's sister. He gets pretty upset about it, too. That completely blew me away because I've always seen his motives as sinister, as a way to hurt Hyun Wook. But here, it almost seems like he cares about Se Na's feelings? That was something I hadn't even factored in, unless it's still just a ruse.

Shi Woo and his mother, finally getting along.
What do you guys think is going to happen now that she's found out? Do you think she'll break up with Hyun Wook or just dodge his calls? I've theorized before she might run to Shi Woo for comfort. I wonder if this is a start of something more between them. I'd love to know what'll go down. Ah well. I don't have long to wait. :)
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