The beloved character Pororo is next to do the ice bucket challenge for ALS! Check out the video above as the adorable penguin explains in his cute, child-like voice what ALS is before sputtering under a waterfall of ice water. You go, champ!
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Pororo is a famous cartoon character from the successful, Korean animated series 'Pororo the Little Penguin'. He may even be a well-known figure around the world, as his cartoon airs in 11 other countries. Loved by children and even reminiscing adults and teenagers, Pororo has earned the nickname 'Porosident' and 'PoroGod' for his sheer awesomeness.
For just a glimpse of how wildly cute this penguin is, here's the opening to his show 'Pororo the Little Penguin'.
As the ALS ice bucket challenge continues on, it's great to see beloved celebrity figures partake in it, even cartoon characters! Makes me wonder though: how much of difference can a bucket of ice water make when you live in an island of snow and ice?
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