Buzzfeed recently uploaded a humorous video in which they gathered a bunch of Americans to try different, popular Korean snacks. The reactions ranged from intrigue and liking to uncertainty and disgust. Either way, it sure makes an interesting watch, especially for those who personally tasted these snacks themselves and know what's going through these Americans' taste buds.
Cue "I can show you the world!"
Granted, some of these people are definitely less than willing when faced with a snack like the fish sausage.
They're all like...
But you're just like...
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Of course, there's the vice versa as another recent video shows Korean kids reacting not so well to the ever sour 'Warhead' candy that gets even some Americans freaking out (but loving it). Feel the pain from personal experience... (If for some reason, you never tried it, you definitely should--do not let these kids scare you off! Maybe steer clear of the black one, then...)
Meanwhile, the teacher or whoever is giving the snacks...
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