Drama Reviews

[Drama Review] 'Gabdongi' - Episode 9

Posted by eric_r_wirsing Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Lee Joon, Kim Min Jung, Yoon Sang Hyun


We start this episode in the wake of the 5th murder, and Mu Yeom vowing death or vengeance. If there's one thing that can be said about Gabdongi's writers, it's that they really know how to shake things up - this episode changes a lot of things.  

Mu Yeom tortures himself with his failure to catch Gab Dong, and it appears to actually cause him pain. He's driven himself over the edge, and it shows. It seems like every time he sees Tae Oh, his reaction is violence, which could actually hinder the investigation rather than help it. This does not escape Chul Geon, who refuses to be goaded into action against Mu Yeom despite our hero's descent into madness. We also see something rather shocking: Mu Yeom drinks with Chul Geon, not once, but twice. The first time they discuss their regrets (and Mu Yeom's sanity), and the second time, Mu Yeom comforts Chul Geon after his daughter dies.  

Speaking of Chul Geon, the driven detective is frustrated that there is zero evidence to pin the murders on Tae Oh. The fact that he shares drinks a couple times with Mu Yeom (without hitting him with a chair) serves to humanize him. Perhaps this whole experience has allowed the two men to bond, albeit in a twisted way? Chul Geon's been replaced by Section Chief Cha, who now leads the investigation, which drives him further to bring things to a close. He finally tells Mu Yeom that he blamed Mu Yeom's father for his daughter's disability, even though he knew there was no one to blame for an accident. This episode, his daughter dies, and he now admits that he is free to pursue Gab Dong to the bitter end. It concerns me how the writers seem to think emotion is a weakness, something to be purged, something that gets in the way. Historically, passions have driven people to greatness, but I digress.

Our spunky web toon artist Ji Wool has found herself drawn into Tae Oh's web, and I fear she's playing into his hands as well. She actually feels sympathy for Tae Oh, who acts like he's fearful during an interrogation and doesn't want to be hit again. Chul Geon, disgusted with her behavior, presents her with crime scene photos of murder number 5 in order to shock some sense into her -- she's feeling sympathy for a psychopath. After she confronts Maria (while referring to our killer almost endearingly as "Tae Oh oppa!!!"), she seeks Tae Oh out at the cafe where he works. I think I liked her crush on Mu Yeom better. While ill-fated, it was not creepy because he did not return the same feelings. It was a cute plot device. Her relationship with Tae Oh? Creepy city. There definitely seems to be more there than curiosity about a killer as he plays on her fascination and makes her feel that he's the victim in all this.

Which leads us to Tae Oh, a definite nutcase and very, very clever. When he has Maria alone, he admits to her that he doesn't feel emotion. He has many copies of the same outfit, so he can change into a fresh set of clothes that shows nothing that can be used as evidence of his crimes. He can even manipulate a lie detector. Tae Oh's mother pops up in this episode, too, and she is repulsed by him. She is aware of the kind of monster he is, and wants nothing to do with him. She hands him a bottle with a couple of pills, apparently wanting him to end his life. Which he does when Maria comes to see him. He downs the pills, hoping she will choose to save him.

Our resident psychologist, Maria, apparently has had enough of Tae Oh's games. She confronts Tae Oh, telling him to give up, but he does not listen to her. She eventually even cuts him off, refusing to meet with him until he surrenders himself or turns Gab Dong in. Maria beats herself up for what transpired at the asylum: Gentleman Choi hangs himself before he can identify Gab Dong. Because of this, she's already stretched to the breaking point. So when Tae Oh takes the pills to end his life, she simply tells him to die.

While Tae Oh's attempt on his life momentarily shocked me, I also realize that they can't kill him off, and there's still time to save him. What was especially interesting was that Maria started to call for help, but stopped herself. Does she really want Tae Oh dead, or does she figure it's some sort of ruse? Tae Oh seemed almost lost this episode, like he didn't stand as a conquering hero but rather as the abused scullery maid. When your own mom thinks of you as a monster and wants you to die, you've pretty much hit rock bottom. I think it would be hilarious to have Tae Oh actually die, leaving us to question whether he was the killer as the murders continue...

The spirit of Gab Dong is wearing away the souls of our heroes. Chul Geon is about as far gone as you can get. In the past, he kept accusing Mu Yeom and Mu Yeom's father of being Gab Dong to the point he engaged in torture to extract a confession. Ji Wool is strangely drawn to Tae Oh, intrigued by what appears to be a non-threatening nature that he can summon up at will. Maria, at first intrigued by him, now discards Tae Oh.

So who was Gentleman Choi going to finger as Gab Dong? There's the timid guy, Park Ho Seok, who seems to be afraid the cops will figure out who he is. Have Mu Yeom and Chul Geon finally reached an uneasy truce? Is Maria truly going to just walk away? That seems very un-Maria-like behavior. And is Ji Wool Gab Dong's next victim? Stay tuned, and we'll likely find out.  

SEE ALSO: Lee Joon scheduled to appear on SBS-TV's 'JungleBob' season 2

  1. Lee Joon
  2. Kim Min Jung
  3. Yoon Sang Hyun
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