Comedian Shin Bong Sun appeared on SBS's radio program 'Cultwo Show' and talked about changing her nose through cosmetic surgery.
She opened up about why she decided to go for another surgery on her nose more recently as she said, "Previously, I did my nose, but someone told me it was a nose that would collapse someday. Those words kept weighing on my mind so I redid my nose."
She entertained with details saying, "You can't pronounce 'o' sounds a little while after the surgery. You can after about two months... Hearing that the swelling goes down faster if I sleep upright, I slept sitting up for two days," bringing chuckles with her hilarious honest remarks.
Because of her words on 'Cultwo Show' her past photos as revealed on SBS's previous show 'Gold Miss' caught attention again. She had remarked on 'Gold Miss', "It is correct that my eyes were untouched. However, I touched up my nose a lot."

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