On the February 11 installment of 'Beatles Code 3D,' Ga In was asked whether she felt like she pushed HyunA aside in Psy's music videos. Ga In had been the female star in "Gentleman" while HyunA had been in the previous viral hit "Gangnam Style."
Ga In knows how to answer difficult questions.
Ga In said, "Truthfully, 'Gangnam Style' was a much hotter topic. It was a hotter issue even based on the results. However, there must have been so many female singers who wanted to be in Psy's MV. Even my fellow members wanted it and people around me told me they were envious. Rather than being aware that HyunA had been in one before, I was completely psyched at the moment that I was getting the opportunity to take part in it for Psy. I was really grateful."
Ga In knows how to answer difficult questions.
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