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allkpop TV Guide: 'Oohlala Couple' (Episode 2)

Posted by contagion1 pt Saturday, October 13, 2012

Official Synopsis:

How much can a wife endure when her good-for-nothing husband is a womanizer who embarrasses her at every turn? Na Yeo Ok is fed up with the infidelity of her hotelier husband, Go Soo Nam, during their 12-year marriage and demands a divorce. However, a major accident causes the unimaginable to happen – their souls are switched into each other's bodies. As the couple bumbles around in each other's identities, will Yeo Ok and Soo Nam develop a deeper understanding of each other?


KBS2TV's 'Oohlala Couple' (starring Kim Jung Eun and Shin Hyun Joon) brought in 14.5% of viewer ratings for its second episode. Meanwhile, SBS' 'Faith' (starring Lee Min Ho and Kim Hee Sun) rose from 9.3% to 9.5% for its sixteenth episode. MBC's 'The Horse Healer' (starring Cho Seung Woo and Lee Yo Won) rose from 8.7% viewership to 9.7% for its second episode.

Recap of Ep. 2:

Another rather intense episode, considering how this is supposed to be a comedy...

Episode two backtracks a little - we see Yeo Ok having the hidden cameras installed at the apartment when she's interrupted by a call from her son Gi Chan's school - he hasn't been to class for several days. She hurries over to the PC bang and spanks him in front of the other patrons. She takes him home and stares at him while he studies English. Il Ran comes in the room to say that Soo Nam will be staying late at work- we all know what that means. Gi Chan keeps yelling at Yeo Ok to leave, and she finally snaps and starts hitting him. He starts crying and Il Ran separates the two, taking him out of the room.

We catch up to the point where Soo Nam sees the video of himself and Victoria in bed. He ejects the disc, breaks it, and throws it down, calling Yeo Ok stupid and insinuating that she's all talk. She asks why he's so mean to her and nice to Victoria, going on to say that men never mature or become adults - they just fool around, lie, and treat life like a game. She demands a divorce immediately - if he doesn't give it to her, she's showing the video to his boss and his mom.

He laughs at her until she reveals that she's actually already sent a video to his boss - now it's her turn to laugh. He beats feet out of there to intercept the package, while she simultaneously laughs and cries. Soo Nam makes it to the hotel just in time to get the package, which Victoria was unknowingly delivering. She's suspicious, but he tries to pass it off like it's nothing.

In Baek Ho's office, Baek Ho, Ae Sook, Soo Nam, and Yeo Ok have a meeting. Ae Sook demands to know why the men cheated, and Baek Ho insists that's just how men are. He unsuccessfully tries to blame the wives, and then tries to shift the attention to Soo Nam. Yeo Ok explains that she can never get the image of Soo Nam cheating out of her mind, and she can't go on living with him after seeing that. Baek Ho cuts in to suggest she wait until Soo Nam gets his promotion, but she refuses- she'll keep his secret until he gets his job, but they're getting a divorce now. Cut to divorce court- the marriage is over.

The two walk out in somber silence, watching a line of husbands and wives screaming, fighting, crying, and begging with each other outside the courtroom. Outside, Moo San appears next to a security guard (the same guy from the street food tent in episode one), whining that if Yeo Ok and Soo Nam knew what they'd been like in their previous lives, they wouldn't be acting like this.

The man tells Moo San that the whole thing was her fault- she should have just left him alone and not let him fall in love with another woman. Moo San says that "she's not just any woman! She was his wife in his past life. She was sent far away to Sweden as soon as she was born, but fate is very scary. You can't do anything either, Elder Wolhwa!" So Victoria was a wife in one of Soo Nam's past lives, too? Wolhwa says that he himself is also at fault for believing in people.

Soo Nam calls Yeo Ok a fool for not requesting alimony, which is when she reveals that she put the apartment and all of their savings under her name. Thanks to a little trick from Wolhwa, Soo Nam loses his balance and trips down a long flight of steps. Yeo Ok calls after him, running towards him to find that he is unconscious and bleeding. Moo San is excited- Yeo Ok wouldn't react like this if she didn't still love Soo Nam, right? Yeo Ok yells at Wolhwa to call for help. We flash back to a much younger Soo Nam and Yeo Ok at a jewelry store. Yeo Ok buys a ring for her mother, while Soo Nam buys an engagement ring- Moo San is his salesperson. They both have their purchases wrapped, accidentally switching boxes. Soo Nam notices the switch as a storm kicks up outside, and he runs after Yeo Ok. Lightning strikes as he runs, decimating the store. He doesn't get his ring back.

We then cut to him having dinner with another girl, In Young (Eugene). He explains that the ring saved his life, telling her how he ran after the ring he'd actually purchased, which was intended as an engagement ring. She takes this moment to tell him that she's on her way to volunteer in Africa and not looking to get married. Soo Nam is devastated, drowning his feelings in a bottle of wine while In Young continues eating.

Yeo Ok and Soo Nam both wind up on the same ferry to Jeju Island. Wolhwa approaches Soo Nam, dressed as a normal guy, introducing himself as "the Elder who brings husbands and wives together". Yeo Ok eavesdrops. Soo Nam asks him to ensure that he and In Young end up together- Wolhwa answers he only brings together those who are a match that heaven has been working on for hundreds of years. People die alone because they haven't built up enough favor with him. He tells Soo Nam to let In Young go- his real match is close by, and they'll meet soon. Later that day, Yeo Ok rescues Nam Soo from drowning at the beach.

In the present, the ambulance takes Soo Nam and Yeo Ok away. Moo San reiterates that she hasn't done anything and that Yeo Ok deserves better than Soo Nam, telling Wolhwa that he should break Soo Nam's legs- Wolhwa says that punishment isn't big enough. He suddenly appears in the middle of the road in front of the ambulance, causing the driver to turn away and crash into a tree, knocking Soo Nam and Yeo Ok both unconscious.

At the hospital, Yeo Ok wakes up in severe pain, calling for Soo Nam. A nurse realizes she's calling for the person she arrived with, and sends her off to the ICU. She freaks out at the sight of her own body lying on the cot, which gets her sent back to her original room by the hospital staff. Her mother-in-law and Il Ran show up and ask what's going on, hitting her (remember, they think they're talking to Soo Nam) for landing Yeo Ok in the ICU. Later, they overhear Yeo Ok talking to her own body- where she assumes Soo Nam must be- about the affair. Because of the switch, they think it's Yeo Ok who had the affair.

Soo Nam's mother forces Yeo Ok to go home, saying she has to work tomorrow, which brings on a whole new level of panic for Yeo Ok. Soo Nam's mom is there when Soo Nam (in Yeo Ok's body) wakes up. He demands to know where "that woman" is and if she's okay, when he notices his long hair and new figure- he checks himself in the mirror and faints. He wakes up in the middle of the night and storms down to the lobby. Yeo Ok approaches from behind and touches his shoulder, which sends him skittering across the floor. He gets up, examines Yeo Ok, and screams, "MY BODY!"


contagion's Thoughts:

[ Note : This post reflects the opinions of the author, not necessarily those of allkpop ]

Now that we've reached the body-swap part of the show, I think we can expect the next episode to be a lot funnier than this one. I really appreciate the writers' decision to set the rules of this show early on. We understand why fate is trying so hard to keep these two together, even if we don't quite understand how everything went wrong. I'm very interested to see how they turn things around, because I'm pretty sure nobody wants to see the main couple stay together right now. I mean, they have gone to great lengths to make Soo Nam into a terrible person, so they must have a heck of a plan to redeem him.

I mentioned it in my last review, but I love how Soo Nam's family seems to genuinely like Yeo Ok and think that Soo Nam's an idiot for being mean to her, even while they take advantage of her. This is such a true-to-life family dynamic that we hardly ever see in the media, and I'm impressed. I feel really bad for poor Gi Chan, who's stuck in the middle of all of this.

I don't have too much else to say yet (other than to compliment the actors on their excellent performances), since these episodes have been mostly set-up. Can't wait for episode three!

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