Actress Go So Young recently went to Milan with fashion magazine Harper's BAZAAR for a photo shoot at Duomo Square. She showed that her beauty did not fade over the years, and that she still remains gorgeous and youthful even after her marriage.
Go So Young exudes elegance as she carries a classic sophisticated look in her pink dress, showing a luxurious charm.
A staff member associated with the photo shoot said, "The photo shoot was held in Milan and took a lot of work, but Go So Young did not even show that she was tired and finished the shoot like a pro. Even in the fashion capitol of the world like Milan, Go So Young's beauty shined through, showing she truly is one of the loveliest ladies of our time."
The photos of Go So Young's recent shoot in Milan can be found in the May issue of BAZAAR.
Source: Star Today via Nate News
Go So Young is a femme fatale for Harper's BAZAAR magazine
Posted by 61 pts Tuesday, April 24, 2012
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