Actor Daniel Henney revealed a new photo of a rather unique hairstyle. He tweeted the above photo, and joked on April 24th, "Bit of a bad hair day."
In the photo, the usually dashing and handsomely styled Daniel Henney has a long hair extension covering his face and flowing all the way down to his chest. His one uncovered eye is opened wide, giving a sense of terror to those who saw it.
Fans who saw the photo responded, "Has he transformed into long haired Henney," "Did he do this because of a project? He looks scary," and "I think he will look good even if he really grew his hair out. He has a very playful side."
Source: Daniel Henney's Twitter
Daniel Henney's new 'scary' hairstyle?
Posted by 61 pts Tuesday, April 24, 2012
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