One of the hottest 'it bags' of 2011 became popular after it was seen with KARA's Goo Hara, Jung So Min, and Yoon Si Yoon. The bag was identified to be from Vincis Bench, and it was first spotted in SBS's 'City Hunter' as an accessory to Hara's stripped mini-dress. The mustard yellow gave a pop of color to the outfit, while the the supple leather allowed it to be both casual and sophisticated. Jung So Min was seen with the same bag in a pictorial cut, but in a white top and denim shorts. Since her look was youthful, the sweet side ribbon further accentuated the concept and added an element of fun. The same bag was further popularized after it became known as 'Yoon Si Yoon's bag' in MBC's "I'm a Flower, Too". With a bit of research, this ballet-inspired Vincis Bench bag was found to be 729,000 won (roughly $630 USD). Bag lovers flocked to stores to achieve the same look and are anticipating the next "it" bag for 2012. ---- Source + Image: bntnews and vincisbench outlet
Goo Hara & Yoon Si Yoon's bag: Where Can I Get That?
Posted by 1 pt Friday, January 6, 2012
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